Dear Frustrated Youth Leader,
I’m sure you’re familiar with this problem. Picture this: you’re planning a youth event, small group get-together, cell group meeting, Wednesday night Bible Study, or Sunday School Lesson. You want your youth to mix around with newcomers and meet new people. Or you want adult christian volunteers to be at ease with one another. Or you’re taking on a new Sunday School class, cell group, or Bible Study class and you want your youth to feel more at ease with you.
No worries! Everyone knows the best way to get youth involved and getting to know one another is to play a game, an icebreaker, where they can meet new people. Why?
- Icebreakers are a great way to set the tone for any class, cell group, or other meeting.
- With icebreakers you automatically encourage and increase participation by the youth - they are great motivators!
- Icebreakers work to create a better more relaxed learning environment.
- Icebreakers can energize Sometimes it is just a good idea to shake things up a bit, especially in the middle of the meeting when feet begin to tap, pencils begin to doodle, and eyelids begin to droop. They are great energizers!
- Icebreakers allow your participants to get involved both physically and mentally in the youth meeting which always creates a better learning environment and a more comfortable group situation.
- Icebreakers can be great topic lead-ins for Bible Studies, discussing scripture passages and for various other discussions.
- Icebreakers can be developed to help identify group and individual goals and objectives.
I’m sure you knew all that already. So you dust off your good old Icebreaker book and flip through the pages only to discover… Hey! I’ve done all these icebreakers before! And I’m sure the youth have too. And you begin that all too familiar desperate quest for new icebreaker ideas.
Ok, so you need new icebreaker ideas, where do you go?
The trusty neighborhood Christian bookstore. You get there all excited, make a beeline for the youth games section but… you’re sorely disappointed. You look around and all you see are over-priced, over-used, clichéd Icebreaker game ideas. Never mind, no worries, there’s always the internet right?
Wrong! The same over-priced, over-used, clichéd Icebreaker game ideas - the only difference is these icebreakers cost more - and many of them are unsuitable for a Christian group. Big promises, small delivery, poor outcomes. So now it’s the last minute and you decide to dredge out one of the popular favorites. You arrive at the event all ready to wow the youth crowd with your icebreaker. You start with your welcome and tell them you’re gonna play an icebreaker game. You chose that all reliable all-time favorite Icebreaker. You announce the name of the icebreaker and… that’s right! Groans fill the room they’ve played that one too many times before and they want to play it again. How many youth meetings have you sat through that were the same way?
Yes, I’ve been there. My youth have been there too, if their groans of boredom were any indication. Racking my brain to come up with something new only to fall back on an over-used icebreaker idea. Or heading to the bookstore or researching the internet wasting hours searching. Who wants to waste their time and their youth budget on all that?
I’m sure you’ve faced the same situation!
I made a decision that I was not going to subject my youth group to any more of those tired old icebreaker game ideas. I started my own resource library of icebreakers. I wanted only the best. I wanted those that didn't conflict with my Christian values. I chose only the ones my youth thought were fun from many years of organizing youth events.
I’ve organized a ton of youth events from large scale to small group settings and found the best ones. Actually no --I chose those that the youth WANTED and ASKED to play.
I think it's high time I did you all a big favor.
Icebreakers Ahead: Take it to the Next Level
ONLY USD $19.97
52 of the best icebreakers of all time that you've been searching for are right here. I didnt just pick these icebreakers out of someone elses book or pull them off websites. Ive personally used, tweaked and perfected each and every one of these icebreakers personally. What's more, my youth love them too.
All of these ideas require little or no materials. These icebreakers dont need a lot of preparation. The instructions are simple. All of them come with applications for you to take the game to the next level. Most of all, they are extremely FUN!
How much would you expect to pay for icebreaker ideas of such quality in your local bookstore or over the internet? $54.97? $34.97? My offer to you, friends, is the special price of $19.97!
Here’s what other youth leaders who have discovered and used my ideas have said:
I was in a hurry last Wed. afternoon, trying to come up with some games to play with our youth group that night. I got on the internet and started searching. After wasting several minutes, I remembered I had saved your website a few months back. It was a life saver! I found everything I needed - games, fun ideas, all in one place!
- Patty Andrews, Atlanta, GA
I have worked with children for several years, but youth is a new ball game for me. When I came across your site I was so excited with all the ideas. You helped me come up with very creative games & more. We had a Candy cane themed Christmas party with all your candy cane ideas & the kids had a blast. Thank you so much for your time & dedication to helping all of us who work with the youth find great creative ideas. I really appreciate it!
- Tara Poole, Mt. Olivet UMCA
I teach junior high kids at a Catholic church in Dallas. Your site has been such a blessing to us because it enables me to find games that make the lesson fun! The "I Never" icebreaker game was a lot of fun, and we used it as an intro to our New Year's lesson where they made resolutions and made plans to do positive things that they had never done before. This is my third or fourth year teaching, and I have never found a site that is more helpful than yours!
- Carol
There’s a lot of icebreaker books on the market,
but this one is DIFFERENT!
You may be thinking, “Oh, those are just normal icebreakers I can find anywhere.”
That may be true to a certain extent. Not all the icebreakers are 100% original BUT all of them have been modified through my years of experience and feedback from youth groups I have led around the world. You’ll find I’ve also included with the icebreakers a list of variations that you can use! What that means for you is that you can use an icebreaker your group has played before but use the variation to give it a new twist. The possibilities are endless!
Or maybe you're thinking, “Yes but those are just meaningless icebreakers. I’ve seen them before. They don’t teach anything. They’re just for fun and that’s it.”
Yes, I’ve seen those icebreakers in books too. They have the title, they list the materials needed, the duration of the game, the instructions BUT… no application. Icebreakers are supposed to be great lead-ins to the topic you want to teach or discuss aren’t they? So why do these other icebreaker books leave you hanging? That’s what I wondered also. That’s why every one of our icebreakers come with discussion questions and applications for you to take the activity “to the next level.” The application for each icebreaker is generic enough that you can use it in any setting, not just for your Christian youth group. They flow right into discussions and touch on universal issues that youth around the world face. Topics include:
attitudes |
diversity |
personality |
change |
dreams |
priorities |
character |
emotions |
purpose |
communication |
friendship |
relationships |
conflict management |
goals |
responsibility |
courage |
identity |
teamwork |
decision making |
leadership |
values |
discipline |
perseverance |
vision |
These icebreakers can be used, not only for youth groups, but for schools, company meetings, family gatherings, community events, and social clubs, Try these icebreakers out for parties, on company retreats, family get-togethers, the first day of school, high school reunions, team building events, and more! Whatever the occasion, you'll probably find an icebreaker in here appropriate to it. Included are icebreaker games, get to know you questions, icebreaker discussion questions, energizers, and wacky activities from mild to wild!
Simplify them and these icebreakers are great for children. Add a little depth and they are a delight to adults!
Icebreakers Ahead: Take it to the Next Level
ONLY USD $19.97
You may wonder, why put these icebreakers in an e-Book?
I do plan to do a paperback version at some point, but that could take weeks and then there is the added shipping and printing costs. Well, this convenient format allows you to:
- Get instant access. That's faster than Amazon or jumping in the car to your local bookstore. You can have it in your hands minutes from right now.
- You can have it at anytime 24/7/365. It doesn't matter what time of day it is, even if it's 1:53am. :)
- It's less bulky than a physical book. You can read it on your PDA or laptop (or PC/Mac). You don't have to lug any extra books along with you!
- Browse the indexed Icebreaker ideas where you can just click on the title and go straight to the page you want.
- Easily search through using keywords saving you time something you can’t do with a traditional book.
- Copy and paste an Icebreaker idea into your favorite word processor to create your own customised lesson plan.
- Print multiple copies for the rest of your team or volunteers.
You can't do that legally with a physical book! (Just please don't give it to others ourside your organization or church.)
- You can even email it to others on your team. (But please ask them NOT to pass it on!)
Here’s a sample of the icebreakers you will get.
 My Personal Guarantee
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I’m so certain that Icebreakers Ahead will save you time, give you some incredible ideas and help you plan that special occassion better that I’m offering you a “No-Questions-Asked” 100% Money Back Guarantee.
All I ask is you try out the Icebreakers Ahead: Take it to the Next Level at my risk. And if you don’t benefit at all from them, I honestly want you to ask for your money back. Simply contact me here and I’ll happily refund your money in full (in fact, I’d be embarrassed to keep it).
I am doing this to help you and if you’re not happy, then I haven’t achieved my goal. So if you’re not happy with what you get, I don’t expect … or want … to keep your money.
But… the e-book is yours to keep no matter what, as a “thank you” gift from me!
What are you waiting for? Discover what hundreds of other christian youth leaders have direct access to today. Don’t dawdle and waste more time thinking about it. It’s time to act. Get your hands on all these icebreakers in "Icebreakers Ahead: Take it to the Next Level" for this amazing low price.
Icebreakers Ahead: Take it to the Next Level
ONLY USD $19.97

Ken & Josh
P.S. If you didn’t realize it already, you and you youth will be missing out on a great opportunity if you haven't already taken action to get these icebreakers.
After paying by Credit Card or PayPal you will see a link at the bottom of the page with the words: "Return to Creative Youth Ideas." Please click on that link and you will be taken to a page to download the digital ebook immediately. If for some reason you are not able to go to the download page, send me an email at and I will send you the link within 24hours of purchase.
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